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Daily English Vocabulary 30-May-2016

Daily English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

30-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Penitence [n]
    • Repentance, contrition, compunction, regret, पछतावा, पश्चात्ताप
    • He is feeling penitence for what he has done to her.
  2. Outlandish [adj]
    • Unfamiliar, weird, queer, offbeat, far out, विदेशी, विचित्र
    • His dress sense is outlandish.
  3. Corpulent [adj]
    • Fat, obese, overweight, plump, मोटा, गोल मटोल
    • She is too corpulent to run.
  4. Nibble [v,n]
    • Gnaw, take small bites, morsel, mouthful, diminish, कुतरना, चुट पुट खाना, संदेह करना, दोष ढूंढना
    • She nibbled a biscuit.
  5. Cram [v]
    • Pack, force, ram, crowd, crush, study intensively, revise, रटना, ठूंस ठूंस कर खाना, ठूस-ठूस कर भरना
    • Don't cram books into the suitcase.
  6. Fickle [adj]
    • Capricious, changeable, variable, चंचल, अस्थिर
    • She is a fickle minded person.
  7. Resolute [adj]
    • Determined, purposeful, purposive, resolved, धीर, संकल्पवान, साहसी, दृढ़
    • She is a resolute woman.
  8. Inert [adj]
    • Unmoving, motionless, immobile, still, अक्रिय, जड़, स्थिर, आलसी
    • An inert political system.
  9. Faltering [n,adj]
    • Hesitate, delay, drag one's feet, stammer, stutter, stumble, हिचक, डगमगाता
    • She faltered and finally stopped in mid-stride.
  10. Gallop [n,v,adv]
    • The fastest pace, race, canter, rush, सरपट चाल, तेजी
    • The horse was galloping.
  11. Stroll [v,n]
    • Short walk for pleasure or exercise, saunter, amble, wander, सैर, गश्त, टहलना
    • She is strolling on the beach.
  12. Come back to earth [idiom]
    • Return to reality, अपनी औक़ात पर आना
    • No one but his conscience advised him to come back to earth.
  13. Put up with [phrv]
    • Tolerate, endure, सहना, बर्दाश्त करना
    • I can't put up with that nasty fellow.
  14. Make no bones about [idiom]
    • Have no hesitation in stating or dealing with something, बिना संदेह
    • They made no bones about acknowledging their debt to his genius.
  15. Bid fair [idiom]
    • To appear likely, seems likely, ऐसा लगना
    • My brother bids fair to be an excellent painter.


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