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Daily English Vocabulary 29-May-2016

Daily English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

29-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Envoy [n]
    • Representative, delegate, deputy, ambassador, emissary, diplomat, राज-दूत, प्रतिनिधि
    • The UN envoy met the warring groups.
  2. Rebuff [v,n]
    • Reject, turn down, spurn, refuse, decline, दो टूक जवाब, रोकना, पराजय
    • His advances were rebuffed by the girl.
  3. Intriguing [adj,v]
    • Interest, be of interest to, fascinate, plot, hatch a plot, conspire, दिलचस्प, साज़िश, गुप्त प्रेम संबंध, लुभावना
    • I was intrigued by your question.
  4. Surmise [v,n]
    • Guess, conjecture, suspect, deduce, शंका, अनुमान
    • This is a pure surmise on my part.
  5. Acrimonious [adj]
    • Bitter, rancorous, caustic, acerbic, scathing, उग्र, रूखा, चिड़चिड़ापन, कटु, तीखा
    • She passed some acrimonious remark on her.
  6. Stall [v]
    • Obstruct, impede, interfere with, hinder, अवरुद्ध
    • His car stalled at the crossroads.
  7. Sectarianism [n]
    • Excessive devotion to a particular sect, especially in religion, सांप्रदायिकता
    • The Indian Constitution prohibits sectarianism and discrimination in any religion.
  8. Dearth [n]
    • Lack, scarcity, scarceness, shortage, shortfall, कमी, दुर्लभता, अकाल
    • There is a dearth of evidence.
  9. Pragmatic [adj]
    • Dealing with things sensibly and realistically, व्यावहारिक, तथ्यात्मक
    • Scientists apply pragmatic solution to the problem.
  10. Lull [v,n]
    • [v] soothe, quiet, assuage, allay, ease, abate, die down, subside, शांत करना, सुलाना
    • [n] pause, respite, interval, break, hiatus, suspension, मंदी, ठहराव
    • The fighting lulled for a moment.
  11. Beat about the bush [idiom]
    • To talk in a round about manner, घुमा फिराकर बात करना
    • We should always come to the point & should not beat about the bush.
  12. Bring to book [idiom]
    • To Punish, to call to account, दण्डित करना
    • The manager was bought to book for his negligence.
  13. Philately [n]
    • The collection and study of postage stamps, टिकट संग्रह
    • Philately is my hobby.
  14. Aesthetics [n]
    • The philosophy of fine art, सौंदर्य शास्त्र
    • Traditional aesthetics assumed the existence of universal and timeless criteria of artistic value.
  15. Bear away [phrv]
    • Win, जीतना
    • Suhani bore away the first prize in dance competition.


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