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Daily English Vocabulary 3-May-2016

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3-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Hullabaloo [n]
    • Clamour, fuss, commotion, uproar, कोलाहल, हल्लागुल्ला
    • There was a terrific hullabaloo over the by-election.
  2. Demonstrate [v]
    • Reveal, bespeak, indicate, show, protest, rally, प्रमाणित करना, दिखाना, जलूस में हिस्सा लेना
    • Let me demonstrate to you the truth of what he is saying.
  3. Gallant [n,v,adj]
    • Brave, courageous, chivalrous, gentlemanly, attentive to women, बहादुर, श्रेष्ठ, भड़कीला, शानदार, छबीला
    • Raju is a gallant man.
  4. Vim [n]
    • Energy, enthusiasm, जोश, शक्ति, ताक़त
    • He is full of vim.
  5. Languor [n]
    • Lassitude, lethargy, calm, stillness, शिथिलता, थकान, हार, सुस्ती
    • His languorous walking style shows that he is disturbed.
  6. Timid [adj]
    • Afraid, frightened, scared, डरपोक, कायर
    • Kamal is a timid boy.
  7. Vacuous [adj]
    • Blank, vacant, expressionless, empty, हलका, शून्य, ख़ाली, विचारहीन
    • she made a vacuous laugh.
  8. Ennui [n]
    • Boredom, tedium, listlessness, lethargy, weariness, ग्लानि, थकान, ऊब
    • She succumbed to ennui and despair.
  9. Corroborate [v]
    • Confirm, verify, endorse, ratify, पुष्ट करना, समर्थन करना
    • We could not corroborate the information.
  10. Condemn [v]
    • Censure, criticize, castigate, denounce, blame, sentence, declare unfit, भर्त्सना, अपराधी ठहराना, निंदा करना
    • We condemn the racism in South Africa.


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