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Difference among Adopt, Adapt and Adept

Difference among Adopt, Adapt and Adept

Adopt, Adapt & Adept are homonyms. They sound similar but have meaning different.

Adopt, Adapt and Adept

Adopt [v]
  • 'Adopt' is used for Take up, Accept, अपनाना, गोद लेना
  • E.g- One should not adopt the bad habits of others.
Adapt [v]
  • 'Adapt' is used for Adjust, Modify, मेल बिठाना, अनुकूलन
  • E.g- One must learn to adapt oneself to the circumstances of life.
Adept [adj,n]
  • 'Adept' is used for Expert, Proficient, Skilled, दक्ष
  • E.g- Kamini is adept in the art of dancing.