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Daily English Vocabulary 22-May-2016

English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

22-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Dogmatic [adj]
    • Opinionated, peremptory, assertive, imperative, doctrine, कट्टर, हठधर्मी, कट्टर
    • He was not tempted to be dogmatic about what he believed.
  2. Bigwig [n]
    • VIP, important person, notable, notability, अहम शख्स, बड़ा आदमी
    • Government bigwigs.
  3. Frolic [n,v,adj]
    • Frisk, gambol, cavort, caper, cheerful, merry, playful, उल्लास, आनंद, उछल कूद करना
    • Children are frolicking in the play ground.
  4. Lineament [n]
    • A distinctive feature or characteristic, आत्मीयता, सजातीयता, विशेष मुख रेखाए
    • I recognized those haggard lineaments.
  5. Dizzy [v,adj]
    • Giddy, light-headed, faint, weak, silly, foolish, अस्थिर, चक्‍कर लानेवाला, अशांत, हख्का-बक्का करना
    • Jon had begun to suffer dizzy spells.
  6. Nourishment [n]
    • The food necessary for growth, health, and good condition, पोषण, पोषाहार
    • Her nourishment of the orphans saved many lives.
  7. Chubby [adj]
    • Plump, tubby, roly-poly, rotund, portly, गोलमोल, गोल-मटोल
    • She has got chubby cheeks.
  8. Wary [adj]
    • Cautious, careful, circumspect, सावधान, होशियार, चौकन्ना
    • Dogs which have been mistreated often remain very wary of strangers.
  9. Take up the cudgels [idm]
    • Start to defend or support someone, बचाव के लिए लड़ना
    • There was no one else to take up the cudgels on their behalf.
  10. Conscientious [adj]
    • Wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly, diligent, industrious, punctilious, ईमानदार, कर्तव्यनिष्ठ
    • He was a conscientious student in school.
  11. Haunt [v,n]
    • [noun]  hang-out, stamping ground, meeting place, territory, अड्डा
    • [verb] (of a ghost) manifest itself at (a place) regularly, appear in, materialize in, बार बार याद आना, भूत आना
    • The bar was a favourite haunt of artists of the time.
  12. Chore [n]
    • A tedious but necessary work, दैनिक काम, उबाऊ काम
    • She sees interviews as a chore.
  13. Moll [n]
    • A gangster's female companion, prostitute, गुंडे की प्रेमिका, गुंडी, रंडी, वेश्या
    • I'd rush the money over to his moll.
  14. Pandemonium [n]
    • Wild and noisy disorder or confusion, uproar, कोलाहल, हुल्लड़
    • There was a pandemonium in New York Exchange market.


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