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Daily English Vocabulary 2-May-2016

English Vocabulary for SSC, IBPS & Others

2-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Vogue [n,adj,v]
    • Fashion, style, up to the minute, modern, popular, फैशन, प्रचलन, रिवाज़, प्रसिद्धि
    • Leather shoes are the latest vogue.
  2. Triumph [n,v]
    • Victory, win, success, tour de force, delight, joy, सफलता, खुशी से पागल होना, जीतना
    • Ramesh triumphed over his partner in the chess.
  3. Clumsy [adj]
    • Awkward, uncoordinated, ungainly, uncouth, अनाड़ी, भद्दा, बेढ़ंगा, बेडौल
    • His clumsy sister hardly helps him with his work.
  4. Vivid [adj]
    • Bright, powerful feelings, faithful, authentic, dynamic, flamboyant, striking, ज्वलंत, चमकीला, सुस्पष्ट
    • The painting has vivid colours.
  5. Summit [n]
    • Top, peak, mountaintop, acme, peak, height, pinnacle, meeting, negotiation, सम्मेलन, शिखर, ऊंचाई
    • He is at the summit of her carrier.
  6. Nadir [n]
    • The lowest level, low-water mark, the bottom, सबसे निम्न स्तर, पतन, घटती
    • Our cricket teams performance reached its nadir in the World Cup.
  7. To throw down the glove [idm]
    • To give a challenge
    • He threw down the glove.
  8. Avaricious [adj]
    • Extreme greed for wealth, greedy, rapacious, mercenary, लालची, लोभी
    • Santosh is a avaricious man.
  9. Sojourn [n,v]
    • A temporary stay, stop, डेरा डालना, थोड़े समय के लिये कहीं पर ठहरना
    • I want to spend my sojourn in London.
  10. Plenipotentiary [n, adj]
    • Having full power to take independent action on behalf of a country, diplomat, दूत, पूर्णाधिकारयुक्त
    • A minister plenipotentiary


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