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Daily English Vocabulary 7-July-2016

Daily English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

7-July-2016 English Vocabulary

1. Qualm [n]
  • Misgiving, doubt, reservation, scruple, सन्देह, आशंका
  • Shameless politicians have no qualms about their misdeeds
2. Blarney [n,v]
  • Soft words, flattery, cajolery, coaxing, चापलूसी, ख़ुशामद, फुसलाना
  • This story is perhaps just a bit of blarney.
3. Retinue [one word]
  • A number of servants, persons present with a person in authority
  • The rock star's retinue of security guards and personal cooks.
4. Battery [one word]
  • A group of heavy guns, तोपख़ाना
  • He is the battery commander.
5. Bale [one word]
  • A large quantity of cotton tied in a bundle, गट्ठर
6. Brood [one word]
  • A family of youngones
  • The bitch moved to a new corner with her brood.
7. Brace [one word]
  • A pair of pigeons
8. Claque [one word]
  • A group of applauders, paid to clap, किराये के प्रंशसक
  • The President was surrounded by a claque of scheming bureaucrats.
9. Congregation [one word]
  • A group of worshipers, धर्मसंघ
  • The singing of psalms by the whole congregation.
10. Drove [one word]
  • A flock of cattle (being driven), झुंड
  • a drove of cattle


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