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Daily English Vocabulary 11-May-2016

English Vocabulary for SSC, IBPS & Others

english vocab for ssc, daily english vocabulary

11-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Contemplate [v]
    • Look at, view, regard, think about, thought, सोच-विचार करना, ध्यान से देखना 
    • She contemplated her body in the mirror.
  2. Carp [n,v]
    • Freshwater fish, complain, cavil, grumble, moan, find fault, तालाब की बड़ी मछली, दोष ढूंढना, नुकताचीनी करना
    • He doesn't want to carp about the way you did it.
  3. Dastard [n]
    • Coward, despicable, कायर, डरपोक, लुच्चा
    • Bippu is a dastard boy.
  4. Polemical [adj]
    •  Involving dispute, controversy, विवाद संबंधी, विवादात्मक
    • a polemical editorial.
  5. Tyro [n]
    • Beginner, novice, नौसिखिया
    • She is a tyro. It is her maiden speech.
  6. Pack one's bags [idm]
    • Leave a place in anger or after a disagreement.
    • She might hand in her resignation, pack her bags, and go to Delhi.
  7. Voracious [adj]
    • Insatiable, unquenchable, unappeasable, भुक्खड़, पेटू, लालची, अत्युत्सुक
    • He became voracious eater while watching cricket match.
  8. Hypocritical [adj]
    • Sanctimonious, pious, deceitful, deceptive, dishonest, पाखंडी, ढोंगी, कपटी
    • It would be hypocritical.
  9. Relinquish [v]
    • Renounce, give up, part with, give away, त्यागना, छोड़ना, अलग करना
    • She relinquished his managerial role to become chief executive.
  10. Oculist [n]
    • A doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye, नेत्ररोग विशेषज्ञ
    • Dr. Sharma is an oculist.


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