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Daily English Vocabulary 15-May-2016

The Hindu English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

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15-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Flank [v]
    • Be on each or on one side of, guard, strengthen, बीच में
    • The leader was flanked by his security staff.
  2. Motley [adj,n]
    • Miscellaneous, disparate, diverse, multicoloured, many-coloured, मिश्रित, रंग बिरंगा
    • A motley collection of old clothes.
  3. Put/Throw a spanner in the works [idm]
    • To do something that prevents a plan or activity from succeeding, समस्या पैदा करना
    • China has thrown a spanner in the works for India.
  4. Set to [phrv]
    • Begin doing something vigorously, जोश से लड़ाई या विवाद आरंभ करना,  हाथापाई करने लगना
    • Indian-American feminist set to make electoral history.
  5. Parable [n]
    • A simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, नीतिकथा
    • The parable of Kisa Gotami and the mustard seeds.
  6. Inevitably [adv]
    • Certain to happen, necessarily, अनिवार्य रूप से
    • she realised that death came inevitably to every home.
  7. Oncology [n]
    • The study of cancer, the study and treatment of tumours, अर्बुदविज्ञान
    • She was formerly the head of Esophageal oncology.
  8. Lurch [v,n]
    • Stagger, stumble, sway, an abrupt uncontrolled movement, leave in trouble, let down, झटका
    • I felt my stomach lurch when I saw this image.
  9. Fistfuls [n]
    • The amount that can be held in the hand, मुठ्ठी भर
    • She threw a fistful of dirt on him during their fight.
  10. Exemption [n]
    • Exclusion, freedom, release, मुक्ति, छुटकारा, छूट
    • Several Western countries also were opposed to the exemption.


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