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Difference Among Access, Accession and Excess

Basic Difference Among Access, Accession and Excess

Access, Accession and Excess sound similar, but they are different in meaning.

Difference between access and accession, difference between access and excess, difference between accession and excess

Access, Accession & Excess
  1. Access [n,v]
    • Approach, entrance, entry, way in, fit, attack, bout, पहुंच, प्रवेश, प्रस्ताव
    • It is very difficult to have an access to the PM.
  2. Accession [n,v]
    • Coming to throne, succession, joining, assent, consent, addition, राज्याभिषेक, पदारोहण, पंजीकरण करना
    • The accession of the prince to the throne was welcomed by the people.
  3. Excess [n,adj]
    • More than desire, surplus, surfeit. overflow, अतिरिक्त, फ़ालतू
    • Excess of everything is bad.


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