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Daily English Vocabulary 13-July-2016

Daily English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

13-July-2016 English Vocabulary

1. Hit the nail on the head [idiom]
  • Do something exactly right, find exactly the right answer, बहुत सटीकता से
  • Mike hit the nail on the head when he said most people can use a computer without knowing how it works.
2. Ameliorate [v]
  • Make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better, सुधारना
  • The army has been called to ameliorate the city situation.
3. Palliate [v]
  • Alleviate, ease, relieve, soothe, camouflage, hide, कम करना, घटाना, परदा डालना
  • Treatment works by palliating symptoms.
4. Pester [v]
  • Badger, hound, annoy, bother, harass, तंग करना, सताना
  • The cows were continually pestered by flies.
5. Pique [v,n]
  • Irritation, annoyance, bother, stimulate, arouse, चुटकी लेना, पैदा करना, मनमुटाव, चिढ़
  • she was piqued by his curtness.
6. Camouflage [n,v]
  • Disguise, concealment, protective colouring, smokescreen, cover-up, hide, छुप जाना, छद्मावरण से छिपाना
  • Seahorses change their color according to the colour of the environment and camouflage themselves.
7. Lugubrious [adj]
  • Mournful, gloomy, sad, unhappy, doleful, शोकाकुल, उदास
  • His face looked even more lugubrious than usual.
8. Exuberance [n]
  • Ebullience, buoyancy, exhilaration, excitement, उल्लास, अधिकता
  • A sense of youthful exuberance.
9. Hindsight [n]
  • Understanding of a situation or event only after it has happened or developed, पश्च दृष्टि, बाद में समझ आना
  • Hindsight is always better than foresight.
10. Omen [n]
  • Portent, sign, signal, token, forewarning, सगुन, लक्षण
  • The raven seemed a bird of evil omen.


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