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Daily English Vocabulary 27-May-2016

Daily English Vocabulary For SSCCGL, IBPS & Other exam

27-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Sprightly [adj]
    • Lively, spry, energetic, active, उत्साहयुक्त, आनंदपूर्ण, खुशमिजाज
    • When he returned he was accompanied by a sprightly young girl
  2. Shirk [n,v]
    • Evade, dodge, avoid, get out of, बचना, काम चोर
    • He shirks his duties.
  3. Necropolis [n]
    • A cemetery, especially a large one belonging to an ancient city, क़ब्रिस्तान, श्मशान
    • Absolute silence reigned in the whole necropolis.
  4. To be in abeyance [idiom]
    • In suspense, असमंजस, दुविधा
    • He is in abeyance.
  5. A lady man [idiom]
    • A lover of women company
  6. Rule the roost [idiom]
    • To become popular, मुखिया होना
    • In almost every party, my friends tries to rule the roost.
  7. Hysteria [n]
    • Exaggerated, uncontrollable emotion, excitement, वातोन्माद
    • The anti-Semitic hysteria of the 1890s.
  8. Cenotaph [n]
    • A monument to someone buried elsewhere, especially one commemorating people who died in a war, स्मारक
    • The war memorial in Whitehall, London, designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens and erected in 1919–20.
  9. Excursion [n]
    • A short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity.
    • An excursion to London Zoo.
  10. Abhorrent [adj]
    • Detestable, detested, hateful, hated, घृणित
    • Racism was abhorrent to us all.


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