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Daily English Vocabulary 25-May-2016

English Vocabulary For CGL, IBPS & Other exam

25-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Siesta [n]
    • Afternoon sleep, nap, catnap, doze, दुपहरी आराम
    • She went to rest room to have a Siesta.
  2. Ephemeral [adj,n]
    • [adj] transitory, transient, fleeting, passing, अल्पकालिक,  क्षणभंगुर
    • [n] an ephemeral plant
    • Fashions are ephemeral: new ones regularly drive out the old.
  3. Putrid [adj]
    • Rotting, rotten, bad, off, very unpleasant, सड़ा हुआ, दुर्गन्धित, भ्रष्ट
    • Putrid decomposition.
  4. Tenacious [adj]
    • Firm, tight, fast, retentive, good, persistent, pertinacious, determined, dogged, single-minded, दृढ़, संलग्नशील, अटल
    • Sameera was tenacious in doing the penance.
  5. Go places [idiom]
    • Be successful, मैदान मारना
    • Anil's ambitious plans indicated that he would go places in life.
  6. Get in someone hair [idiom]
    • Bother & make someone very angry
    • I know that the children get in your hair, but you should try not to let it upset you.
  7. Hushed up [phrv]
    • Suppressed, दबा दिया
    • The scandal involving a high official was hushed up by the authorities.
  8. A sitting duck [idiom]
    • In a vulnerable position, a person or thing with no protection against an attack, वह आदमी जिस पर आक्रमण करना बहुत आसान हो
    • The soldier on duty at the border is a sitting duck.
  9. Lay into [phrv]
    • Attack, assail, hit, strike, वार करना
    • He knocked me to the ground and began laying into me with his feet.
  10. Anecdote [n]
    • A short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person, छोटी सी कहानी, किस्सा
    • I love to read anecdotes published in `Readers Digest`.
  11. Plaintiff [n]
    • A person who brings a case against another in a court of law, अर्जीदार
    • The plaintiff commenced an action for damages.
  12. Canister [n]
    • A round or cylindrical container used for storing such things as food, chemicals, or rolls of film, कनस्तर
    • Riot police fired tear-gas canisters into the crowd.


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