Difference among Known to, Known by and Known for

Difference among Known to, Known by and Known for

Known to, Known by & Known for

Known to

  • 'Know to' is basically used in Passive voice.
  • E.g- You are known to her very well.

Known by

  • 'Known by' is used for Recognize, पहचान
  • E.g- A Man is known by the company he keeps.

Known for

  • 'Known for' is used for A Quality, गुण
  • E.g- Seema is well known for his benevolence.

Difference among Adopt, Adapt and Adept

Difference among Adopt, Adapt and Adept

Adopt, Adapt & Adept are homonyms. They sound similar but have meaning different.

Adopt, Adapt and Adept

Adopt [v]
  • 'Adopt' is used for Take up, Accept, अपनाना, गोद लेना
  • E.g- One should not adopt the bad habits of others.
Adapt [v]
  • 'Adapt' is used for Adjust, Modify, मेल बिठाना, अनुकूलन
  • E.g- One must learn to adapt oneself to the circumstances of life.
Adept [adj,n]
  • 'Adept' is used for Expert, Proficient, Skilled, दक्ष
  • E.g- Kamini is adept in the art of dancing.

Daily English Vocabulary 31-May-2016

English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

31-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Sore [adj,n,v]
    • Painful, hurting, upset, angry, पीड़ादायक, फोड़ा, नाराज़
    • If left unattended, even a small cut can turn into a sore.
  2. Hang around [phrv]
    • Loiter in, linger in, waste time, associate, mix, बेकार में घूमना, मंडलाना, समीप आना
    • I did not see the point of hanging around waiting for them, so i went home.
  3. Obviate [v]
    • Preclude, prevent, remove, avoid, दूर रहना, बचना, टालना, छुटकारा पाना
    • The presence of roller blinds obviated the need for curtains.
  4. Recoup [v]
    • Get back, regain, recover, compensate, क्षतिपूर्ति करना, संभलना
    • She recouped the show expenses from ticket sales.
  5. Slacken [v]
    • Loosen, make looser, relax, slow, decelerate, कम करना, ढीला करना
    • She slackened the tight belt round his waist.
  6. Salient [adj,n]
    • Important, main, principal, major, मुख्य, प्रमुख, आगे निकला हुआ हिस्सा
    • He pointed all the salient features of T.V.
  7. Cut to the quick [idiom]
    • Hurt intensely, दिल को आघात पहुँचाना 
    • The old man was cut to the quick when rich son refused to recognize him.
  8. Rank and file of [idiom]
    • The ordinary members, जन साधारण
    • There was no opposition to the new policy by the rank and file of the government.
  9. Put in a word for [idiom]
    • Recommend, सिफ़ारिश करना
    • I requested him to put in a word for me.
  10. Impunity [n]
    • Exemption from punishment, दंड-मुक्ति
    • The impunity enjoyed by military officers.
  11. Imperturbable [adj]
    • Unable to be upset or excited, calm, अविचलित, स्थिर
    • He was one of those imperturbable people who never get angry.
  12. Malinger [v]
    • Pretend to be ill in order to escape duty or work, बीमारी का बहाना करना
    • People who had psychosomatic complaints were probably malingering.
  13. Lore [n]
    • The stories & traditional of a particular group of people
    • The jinns of Arabian lore.

Daily English Vocabulary 30-May-2016

Daily English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

30-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Penitence [n]
    • Repentance, contrition, compunction, regret, पछतावा, पश्चात्ताप
    • He is feeling penitence for what he has done to her.
  2. Outlandish [adj]
    • Unfamiliar, weird, queer, offbeat, far out, विदेशी, विचित्र
    • His dress sense is outlandish.
  3. Corpulent [adj]
    • Fat, obese, overweight, plump, मोटा, गोल मटोल
    • She is too corpulent to run.
  4. Nibble [v,n]
    • Gnaw, take small bites, morsel, mouthful, diminish, कुतरना, चुट पुट खाना, संदेह करना, दोष ढूंढना
    • She nibbled a biscuit.
  5. Cram [v]
    • Pack, force, ram, crowd, crush, study intensively, revise, रटना, ठूंस ठूंस कर खाना, ठूस-ठूस कर भरना
    • Don't cram books into the suitcase.
  6. Fickle [adj]
    • Capricious, changeable, variable, चंचल, अस्थिर
    • She is a fickle minded person.
  7. Resolute [adj]
    • Determined, purposeful, purposive, resolved, धीर, संकल्पवान, साहसी, दृढ़
    • She is a resolute woman.
  8. Inert [adj]
    • Unmoving, motionless, immobile, still, अक्रिय, जड़, स्थिर, आलसी
    • An inert political system.
  9. Faltering [n,adj]
    • Hesitate, delay, drag one's feet, stammer, stutter, stumble, हिचक, डगमगाता
    • She faltered and finally stopped in mid-stride.
  10. Gallop [n,v,adv]
    • The fastest pace, race, canter, rush, सरपट चाल, तेजी
    • The horse was galloping.
  11. Stroll [v,n]
    • Short walk for pleasure or exercise, saunter, amble, wander, सैर, गश्त, टहलना
    • She is strolling on the beach.
  12. Come back to earth [idiom]
    • Return to reality, अपनी औक़ात पर आना
    • No one but his conscience advised him to come back to earth.
  13. Put up with [phrv]
    • Tolerate, endure, सहना, बर्दाश्त करना
    • I can't put up with that nasty fellow.
  14. Make no bones about [idiom]
    • Have no hesitation in stating or dealing with something, बिना संदेह
    • They made no bones about acknowledging their debt to his genius.
  15. Bid fair [idiom]
    • To appear likely, seems likely, ऐसा लगना
    • My brother bids fair to be an excellent painter.

Difference among Live in, Live at, Live on, Live by and Live off

Difference among Live in, Live at, Live on, Live by and Live off

These all words made by Live. But these have differences among them.
Difference between live in and live at, Difference between live on and live by, Difference between live on and live off, Difference between live at and live by

Root word- LIVE

Live in

  • 'Live in' means residential, निवास करना
  • 'Live in' basically used for Region, Area, Country
  • E.g- He is living in America.

Live at

  • 'Live at' indicate the place, address.
  • E.g- He is living at Agra.

Live on

  • Depend on food, निर्भर होना
  • E.g- He lives entirely on vegetables these days.

Live by 

  • 'Live by' used for livelihood, manner.
  • To behave according to a particular set of beliefs or principles, निर्वाह करना, अनुकरण करना
  • E.g- I have to live by the labour of my own hands.

Live off 

  • 'Live off' is used for source of income & other
  • E.g- Now a days he is living off rental income.

Daily English Vocabulary 29-May-2016

Daily English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

29-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Envoy [n]
    • Representative, delegate, deputy, ambassador, emissary, diplomat, राज-दूत, प्रतिनिधि
    • The UN envoy met the warring groups.
  2. Rebuff [v,n]
    • Reject, turn down, spurn, refuse, decline, दो टूक जवाब, रोकना, पराजय
    • His advances were rebuffed by the girl.
  3. Intriguing [adj,v]
    • Interest, be of interest to, fascinate, plot, hatch a plot, conspire, दिलचस्प, साज़िश, गुप्त प्रेम संबंध, लुभावना
    • I was intrigued by your question.
  4. Surmise [v,n]
    • Guess, conjecture, suspect, deduce, शंका, अनुमान
    • This is a pure surmise on my part.
  5. Acrimonious [adj]
    • Bitter, rancorous, caustic, acerbic, scathing, उग्र, रूखा, चिड़चिड़ापन, कटु, तीखा
    • She passed some acrimonious remark on her.
  6. Stall [v]
    • Obstruct, impede, interfere with, hinder, अवरुद्ध
    • His car stalled at the crossroads.
  7. Sectarianism [n]
    • Excessive devotion to a particular sect, especially in religion, सांप्रदायिकता
    • The Indian Constitution prohibits sectarianism and discrimination in any religion.
  8. Dearth [n]
    • Lack, scarcity, scarceness, shortage, shortfall, कमी, दुर्लभता, अकाल
    • There is a dearth of evidence.
  9. Pragmatic [adj]
    • Dealing with things sensibly and realistically, व्यावहारिक, तथ्यात्मक
    • Scientists apply pragmatic solution to the problem.
  10. Lull [v,n]
    • [v] soothe, quiet, assuage, allay, ease, abate, die down, subside, शांत करना, सुलाना
    • [n] pause, respite, interval, break, hiatus, suspension, मंदी, ठहराव
    • The fighting lulled for a moment.
  11. Beat about the bush [idiom]
    • To talk in a round about manner, घुमा फिराकर बात करना
    • We should always come to the point & should not beat about the bush.
  12. Bring to book [idiom]
    • To Punish, to call to account, दण्डित करना
    • The manager was bought to book for his negligence.
  13. Philately [n]
    • The collection and study of postage stamps, टिकट संग्रह
    • Philately is my hobby.
  14. Aesthetics [n]
    • The philosophy of fine art, सौंदर्य शास्त्र
    • Traditional aesthetics assumed the existence of universal and timeless criteria of artistic value.
  15. Bear away [phrv]
    • Win, जीतना
    • Suhani bore away the first prize in dance competition.

Difference between Alter and Altar

Difference between Alter and Altar

Alter and Altar sound similar, but they are different in meaning.

Alter & Altar

Alter [v]

  • Change, make changes to, amend, improve, modify, बदलना, परिवर्तन करना
  • Alter is basically used for Change.
  • Mohan is so obstinate that no one can alter his views.

Altar [n]

  • Place of worship, टेबल जिसपर भगवान पर चढ़ाने वाली सामग्रियाँ रखी जाती है
  • Altar is basically used for a Table.
  • When i visited temple, i saw him kneeling at the altar.

Daily English Vocabulary 28-May-2016

English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

28-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Apparent [adj]
    • Evident, obvious, ponderous, rough, स्पष्ट, प्रकट,  आभासी
    • For no apparent reason she laughed.
  2. Abominable [adj]
    • Odious, detestable, repugnant, aversion, घिनौना, अप्रिय, भद्दा
    • I hate her abominable behavior.
  3. Defray [v]
    • Meet, bear, spend, pay, चुकाना, भुगतान करना, व्यय करना
    • She defrayed the dues on his account.
  4. Haggard [adj,n]
    • Exhausted, lean, emaciated, gaunt, सूखा हुआ, थका माँदा, जंगली
    • She was pale and haggard.
  5. Genial [adj]
    • Cheerful, pleasant, joyful, affable, हँसमुख, मिलनसार, सामाजिक, दयालु
    • Raju is a very genial person.
  6. Retract [v]
    • Recant, repudiate, revoke, withdraw, वापस लेना, त्याग देना, इनकार करना, कब्जा करना, खींचना
    • He made a false statement which she later retracted.
  7. Upkeep [n,phrv]
    • Maintenance, care, upbringing, support, रख-रखाव, देखभाल
    • The upkeep of my office costs me a lot these days.
  8. Give way [phrv]
    • Collapse under pressure, break, come apart, crumple, थक जाना, झुक जाना, हार मान जाना
    • The contractor was charged with negligence when the roof of a new building gave way.
  9. In the blues [idiom]
    • In dumps, depression, sadness, unhappiness, उदासी, अवसाद
    • After his failure in the examination he is in the blues these days.
  10. Ergonomy [n]
    • The study of effect of environment on workers

Daily English Vocabulary 27-May-2016

Daily English Vocabulary For SSCCGL, IBPS & Other exam

27-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Sprightly [adj]
    • Lively, spry, energetic, active, उत्साहयुक्त, आनंदपूर्ण, खुशमिजाज
    • When he returned he was accompanied by a sprightly young girl
  2. Shirk [n,v]
    • Evade, dodge, avoid, get out of, बचना, काम चोर
    • He shirks his duties.
  3. Necropolis [n]
    • A cemetery, especially a large one belonging to an ancient city, क़ब्रिस्तान, श्मशान
    • Absolute silence reigned in the whole necropolis.
  4. To be in abeyance [idiom]
    • In suspense, असमंजस, दुविधा
    • He is in abeyance.
  5. A lady man [idiom]
    • A lover of women company
  6. Rule the roost [idiom]
    • To become popular, मुखिया होना
    • In almost every party, my friends tries to rule the roost.
  7. Hysteria [n]
    • Exaggerated, uncontrollable emotion, excitement, वातोन्माद
    • The anti-Semitic hysteria of the 1890s.
  8. Cenotaph [n]
    • A monument to someone buried elsewhere, especially one commemorating people who died in a war, स्मारक
    • The war memorial in Whitehall, London, designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens and erected in 1919–20.
  9. Excursion [n]
    • A short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity.
    • An excursion to London Zoo.
  10. Abhorrent [adj]
    • Detestable, detested, hateful, hated, घृणित
    • Racism was abhorrent to us all.

Daily English Vocabulary 25-May-2016

English Vocabulary For CGL, IBPS & Other exam

25-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Siesta [n]
    • Afternoon sleep, nap, catnap, doze, दुपहरी आराम
    • She went to rest room to have a Siesta.
  2. Ephemeral [adj,n]
    • [adj] transitory, transient, fleeting, passing, अल्पकालिक,  क्षणभंगुर
    • [n] an ephemeral plant
    • Fashions are ephemeral: new ones regularly drive out the old.
  3. Putrid [adj]
    • Rotting, rotten, bad, off, very unpleasant, सड़ा हुआ, दुर्गन्धित, भ्रष्ट
    • Putrid decomposition.
  4. Tenacious [adj]
    • Firm, tight, fast, retentive, good, persistent, pertinacious, determined, dogged, single-minded, दृढ़, संलग्नशील, अटल
    • Sameera was tenacious in doing the penance.
  5. Go places [idiom]
    • Be successful, मैदान मारना
    • Anil's ambitious plans indicated that he would go places in life.
  6. Get in someone hair [idiom]
    • Bother & make someone very angry
    • I know that the children get in your hair, but you should try not to let it upset you.
  7. Hushed up [phrv]
    • Suppressed, दबा दिया
    • The scandal involving a high official was hushed up by the authorities.
  8. A sitting duck [idiom]
    • In a vulnerable position, a person or thing with no protection against an attack, वह आदमी जिस पर आक्रमण करना बहुत आसान हो
    • The soldier on duty at the border is a sitting duck.
  9. Lay into [phrv]
    • Attack, assail, hit, strike, वार करना
    • He knocked me to the ground and began laying into me with his feet.
  10. Anecdote [n]
    • A short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person, छोटी सी कहानी, किस्सा
    • I love to read anecdotes published in `Readers Digest`.
  11. Plaintiff [n]
    • A person who brings a case against another in a court of law, अर्जीदार
    • The plaintiff commenced an action for damages.
  12. Canister [n]
    • A round or cylindrical container used for storing such things as food, chemicals, or rolls of film, कनस्तर
    • Riot police fired tear-gas canisters into the crowd.

Difference between Confide in and Confide to

Difference between Confide in and Confide to 

Both are used for a person. Confide in & confide to have a difference.

Confide [verb] 
  • Tell someone about a secret or private matter, trust (someone) enough to tell them
Now we will talk about confide in and confide to.
  1. Confide in 
    • Use-> Confide in someone - Put trust someone
    • Confide in used for Trust
    • E.g- I have always confide in him & he has never deceived me.
  2. Confide to
    • Use-> Confide (something) to someone
    • Tell something to someone, give something to someone.
    • Confide to used for Tell, Give
    • E.g- Do not confide your secret to unreliable friends.

Daily English Vocabulary 24-May-2016

English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

24-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Consensus [n]
    • Agreement, harmony, concord, आम सहमति, सामंजस्य
    • A coalition government has to work in consensus.
  2. Confluence [n]
    • Convergence, meeting, junction, amalgamation, संगम, संधि-स्थल, मिलाप
    • Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers.
  3. Nebulous [adj]
    • Indistinct, indefinite, unclear, vague, hazy, अस्पष्ट, धुँधला
    • He has some nebulous plans for future.
  4. Lukewarm [adj]
    • Tepid, unenthusiastic, indifferent, cool, half-hearted, apathetic, उदासीन, निरुत्साह, गुनगुना- slightly warm
    • He has a very lukewarm attitude towards his family.
  5. Vanguard [n]
    • Forefront, van, advance guard, avant-garde, lead, आन्दोलन का नेतृत्व करने वाला, नायक, अग्रगामी सैन्य टुकड़ी
    • Bhagat Singh was the vanguard of the movement.
  6. Indict [v]
    • Charge with, accuse of, arraign for, अभ्यारोप या दोष लगाना, अभियोग लगाना, कलंक
    • Many scams are indictment on previous government.
  7. Old flame [phrv]
    • A former lover, sweetheart, पुराना प्रेमी
  8. Drop a brick [phrv]
    • Make an indiscreet or embarrassing remark, to say the wrong thing
  9. Forfeit [n,v,adj]
    • Surrender, relinquish, hand over, penalty, financial penalty, fine, जुरमाना, अधिकार खो देना
    • The loser must pay a forfeit.
  10. Heresy [n]
    • Unorthodox opinion, dissension, dissent, dissidence, blasphemy, विधर्म, विरुद्ध मत
    • Huss was burned for heresy.

Daily English Vocabulary 23-May-2016

English Vocabulary For SSC CGL, IBPS & Other exam

23-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Relish [n,v]
    • Great enjoyment, condiment, accompaniment, sauce, आनंद, जोश, स्वाद, मजा लेना, प्रसन्न होना
    • He swigged a mouthful of wine with relish.
  2. Acute [Adj,n]
    • Severe, critical, drastic, stabbing, shooting, astute, shrewd, sharp, keen, तीव्र, विकट, नोकीला, तीक्ष्ण
    • His judgment is acute.
  3. Solicit [v]
    • Ask for, request, apply for, put in for, work as a prostitute, engage in prostitution, मांगना, विनती करना, उकसाना, ललचाना
    • When I solicited for her notebook she made faces at me.
  4. Prominent [adj,n]
    • Important, well known, leading, eminent, conspicuous, noticeable, मुख्य, प्रसिद्ध, महत्त्वपूर्ण
    • He was a prominent member of the city council.
  5. Betrayal [n]
    • Disloyalty, treachery, perfidy, विश्वासघात, धोखा
    • The betrayal by the French of their own refugees.
  6. Punter [n]
    • A person who gambles, places a bet, customer, client, बाज़ी लगाने वाला, ग्राहक
    • Ramesh is punter man.
  7. Testimonial [n]
    • A formal statement testifying to someone's character and qualifications, tribute, presentation, कृतज्ञ, प्रमाण पत्र
    • She gave a testimonial for the pupils conduct.
  8. Had better [phrv]
    • Should, चाहिये
    • You had better get up now or you will be late for school.
  9. Swamp [n,v]
    • Marsh, bog, quagmire, mire, flood, inundate, overwhelm, दलदल, भरा होना, पानी से भर जाना
    • He slipped in the swamp.
  10. Anthology [n]
    • A published collection of poems or other pieces of writing, साहित्यिक संग्रह, संकलन
    • Geetanjali is an anthology of poems.

Daily English Vocabulary 22-May-2016

English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

22-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Dogmatic [adj]
    • Opinionated, peremptory, assertive, imperative, doctrine, कट्टर, हठधर्मी, कट्टर
    • He was not tempted to be dogmatic about what he believed.
  2. Bigwig [n]
    • VIP, important person, notable, notability, अहम शख्स, बड़ा आदमी
    • Government bigwigs.
  3. Frolic [n,v,adj]
    • Frisk, gambol, cavort, caper, cheerful, merry, playful, उल्लास, आनंद, उछल कूद करना
    • Children are frolicking in the play ground.
  4. Lineament [n]
    • A distinctive feature or characteristic, आत्मीयता, सजातीयता, विशेष मुख रेखाए
    • I recognized those haggard lineaments.
  5. Dizzy [v,adj]
    • Giddy, light-headed, faint, weak, silly, foolish, अस्थिर, चक्‍कर लानेवाला, अशांत, हख्का-बक्का करना
    • Jon had begun to suffer dizzy spells.
  6. Nourishment [n]
    • The food necessary for growth, health, and good condition, पोषण, पोषाहार
    • Her nourishment of the orphans saved many lives.
  7. Chubby [adj]
    • Plump, tubby, roly-poly, rotund, portly, गोलमोल, गोल-मटोल
    • She has got chubby cheeks.
  8. Wary [adj]
    • Cautious, careful, circumspect, सावधान, होशियार, चौकन्ना
    • Dogs which have been mistreated often remain very wary of strangers.
  9. Take up the cudgels [idm]
    • Start to defend or support someone, बचाव के लिए लड़ना
    • There was no one else to take up the cudgels on their behalf.
  10. Conscientious [adj]
    • Wishing to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly, diligent, industrious, punctilious, ईमानदार, कर्तव्यनिष्ठ
    • He was a conscientious student in school.
  11. Haunt [v,n]
    • [noun]  hang-out, stamping ground, meeting place, territory, अड्डा
    • [verb] (of a ghost) manifest itself at (a place) regularly, appear in, materialize in, बार बार याद आना, भूत आना
    • The bar was a favourite haunt of artists of the time.
  12. Chore [n]
    • A tedious but necessary work, दैनिक काम, उबाऊ काम
    • She sees interviews as a chore.
  13. Moll [n]
    • A gangster's female companion, prostitute, गुंडे की प्रेमिका, गुंडी, रंडी, वेश्या
    • I'd rush the money over to his moll.
  14. Pandemonium [n]
    • Wild and noisy disorder or confusion, uproar, कोलाहल, हुल्लड़
    • There was a pandemonium in New York Exchange market.

Daily English Vocabulary 20-May-2016

The Hindu English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

20-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Laconic [adj]
    • Using very few words - संक्षिप्त
    • Synonyms – terse, brusque 
    • Antonyms – long-winded, wordy 
    • The valedictorian delivered a laconic speech, contrast to the salutatorian's lengthy speech.
  2.  Odious [adj]
    • Extremely unpleasant; repulsive - घिनौना
    • Synonyms – abhorrent, abominable 
    • Antonyms – attractive, delightful 
    • Occasionally they appear in odious positions.
  3. Adumbrate [verb]
    • Represent in outline - ढांचे में दिखलाना
    • Synonyms – sketch, darken 
    • Antonyms – illuminate 
    • With assistance from the victim, the sketch artist will adumbrate a picture of the robbery suspect.
  4. Languid [adj]
    • (of a person, manner, or gesture) having or showing a disinclination for physical exertion or effort - निस्तेज, सुस्त
    • Synonyms – lackadaisical, laid-back 
    • Antonyms – active, energetic 
    • A slow, languid smile crossed his features, one that made her body flush and ache for him.
  5. Officious [adj] 
    • Assertive of authority in a domineering way, especially with regard to trivial matters - थकनेवाला
    • Synonyms – busy, forward 
    • Antonyms – modest, shy 
    • Because Cory is the boss’s son, he thinks he can stick his officious nose into everybody’s business without fear of consequences.
  6. Mendacious [adj] 
    • Not telling the truth, lying - मिथ्या
    • Synonyms – deceitful, deceptive 
    • Antonyms – frank, honest  
    • Chuck is mendacious about his vegetarianism by eating chicken.
  7. Alacrity [noun] 
    • brisk and cheerful readiness - तत्परता 
    • Synonyms – alertness, avidity 
    • Antonyms – apathy, coolness  
    • Having studied really hard last night, the student took the exam with alacrity.
  8. Maudlin [adj] 
    • self-pityingly or tearfully sentimental - भावुक 
    • Synonyms – weepy, sentimental 
    • Antonyms – unemotional, pragmatic  
    • You didn't invite me out here to listen to my maudlin rambling.
  9. Opulent [adj]
    • ostentatiously costly and luxurious - धनी 
    • Synonyms – deluxe, extravagant 
    • Antonyms – economical, poor  
    • The robed man led her into the fortress and wound his way through bright intersections, down stairs, and into a more opulent part of the building.
  10. Mawkish [adj] 
    • Sentimental in an exaggerated or false way - कुत्सित
    • Synonyms – cloying, gooey 
    • Antonyms – calm, serious 
    • The star’s mawkish poem at her mentor’s funeral was so insincere that most of the guests rolled their eyes.

Daily English Vocabulary 19-May-2016

The Hindu English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

19-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Rampant [adjective]
    • Uncontrolled, unrestrained, unchecked, vehement, strong, violent, अनियंत्रित, आक्रामक, सामाजिक बुराई
    • There were allegations of rampant voter bribery and distribution of cash and gifts over the last month.
  2. Grim [adjective]
    • Very serious, gloomy, depressing, worrying, unattractive, forbidding, भयंकर, विकट, निर्दय, कठोर
    • The future seems to be grim.
  3. Portrayal [noun]
    • Painting, picture, drawing, representation, characterization, acting, playing, enacting, चित्रलेखन, चित्रकला, अभिनय
    • The portrayal of sex and violence in televisions should be banned.
  4. Deferment [noun]
    • Postponement, deferral, suspension, स्थगितकरण, विलंब, मोहलत
    • Deferment of the decision
  5. Lacklustre [adjective]
    • Lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspiring, unimaginative, dull, humdrum, फीका, भावशून्य
    • Lacklustre performance.
  6. Tremble [verb, noun]
    • Shake or quiver slightly, tremor, shake, shakiness, कांप, थरथराहट
    • Indeed, candidates tremble at the prospect of meeting voters ‘empty-handed’.
  7. Clandestine [[adjective]
    • Secret, covert, furtive, surreptitious, गुप्त, अवैध, चोरी छिपे का
    • India had voted against Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency over its clandestine nuclear programme.
  8. Paranoia [noun]
    • Persecution complex, delusions, पागलपन, मानसिक उन्माद
    • Mild paranoia afflicts all prime ministers.
  9. Torpid [adjective] 
    • Mentally or physically inactive; lethargic, apathetic, benumbed - बेमन
    • My torpid brother rests on the couch all day.
  10. Probity [noun]
    • Integrity, honesty, uprightness, decency, morality, ईमानदारी, सत्यनिष्ठा
    • In that position he won repute for his organizing capacity, great power of work and unswerving probity - the last of which qualities was none too common in the French armies at that time.

Daily English Vocabulary 18-May-2016

English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

18-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Proclivity [noun]
    • A tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition towards a particular thing – झुकाव
    • Synonyms – penchant, predilection
    • Antonyms – antipathy, disinclination
    • The book concludes in a way that hardly matches my own political proclivity.
  2.  Recalcitrant [adjective]
    • Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline - आज्ञा न माननेवाला
    • Synonyms – fractious, obstinate
    • Antonyms – agreeable, compliant
    • Because of its two recalcitrant members, the committee got very little work done.
  3. Rectitude [noun]
    • Morally correct behaviour or thinking; righteousness - इंसाफ
    • Synonyms – decency, honesty 
    • Antonyms – corruption, deceit
    •  His clear, exhaustive and dignified style of treatment evidences the rectitude and nobility of the man.
  4. Plethora [noun]
    • A large or excessive amount of something - बहुतायत
    • Synonyms – profusion, overabundance 
    • Antonyms – lack, scarcity 
    • I don't see why my mother wants more shoes when she already has a plethora of them
  5. Quagmire [noun]
    • A soft boggy area of land that gives way underfoot- दलदल
    • Synonyms – dilemma, entanglement 
    • Antonyms – agreement, solution 
    • I stumbled into a quagmire of my own making.
  6. Sagacity [noun]
    • The quality of being sagacious - बुद्धिमत्ता
    • Synonyms – acumen, astuteness 
    • Antonyms – ignorance, inability 
    • Their fidelity and sagacity are below par now.
  7. Tantamount [adjective]
    • Equivalent in seriousness to; virtually the same as - समान
    • Synonyms – commensurate, identical 
    • Antonyms – different, opposite 
    • Both men were well aware this was tantamount to a brush-off.
  8. Temerity [noun]
    • Excessive confidence or boldness; audacity - उतावलापन
    • Synonyms – assurance, boldness 
    • Antonyms – carefulness, caution 
    • We were shocked Ann Marie had the temerity to challenge our teacher’s authority in class.
  9. Platitude [noun]
    • A remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful - साधारण बात
    • Synonyms – banality, bromide 
    • Antonyms – coinage, nuance 
    • The article was filled with platitudes about the systematic character of the industrial economy.
  10. Pithy [adjective]
    • (Of a fruit or plant) containing much pith - अर्थपूर्ण
    • Synonyms – cogent, concise 
    • Antonyms – impotent, lengthy 
    • He didn't even bother to search his mental library under pithy, tasteless and nasty retorts.

Daily English Vocabulary 16-May-2016

The Hindu English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

16-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Mutiny [n,v]
    • Rebellion, coup, insurrection, rebellion, revolt, सैनिक विद्रोह, बग़ावत करना
    • The king supressed the mutiny in a very short time.
  2. Reluctance [n]
    • Unwillingness, disinclination, lack of enthusiasm, अनिच्छा
    • The effort has run into a brick wall over the reluctance of European banks to process the payments.
  3. Precocious [adj]
    • Advanced, ahead, gifted, talented, अकालप्रौढ़, समय से पहिले पकनेवाला
    • A precocious 14-year-old schoolboy.
  4. Put in [phrv]
    • Interrupt in a conversation or discussion, बीच में रोकना, तोड़ना, दावा करना, काम लगाना
  5. Tipsy [adj]
    • Merry, mellow, slightly drunk, नशे में धुत्त
    • Tipsy woman slaps and bites cops.
  6. Purport [n,v]
    • Claim, lay claim, profess, pretend, intention, purpose, दावा करना, मुद्दा, अभिप्राय
    • The final judgement purports to be very important.
  7. Assimilate [v]
    • Subsume, incorporate, integrate, absorb, similar, पचाना, अपनाना, समावेश करना
    • Immigrants often want to assimilate quickly.
  8. Ossify [v]
    • Turn into bone, become bony, harden, solidify, become inflexible, become rigid, अस्थि की तरह सख्त हो जाना
    • The tissue ossified.
  9. Stand off [phrv,n]
    • Deadlock, stalemate, impasse, move, keep away, गतिरोध
    • The Philippines and China are in a stand-of over claims in the South China Sea.
  10. Frivolous [adj]
    • Flippant, glib, waggish, giddy, silly, foolish, तुच्छ, ओछा, छिछोरा
    • They has been fighting frivolous cases in court since 2000.

Daily English Vocabulary 15-May-2016

The Hindu English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

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15-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Flank [v]
    • Be on each or on one side of, guard, strengthen, बीच में
    • The leader was flanked by his security staff.
  2. Motley [adj,n]
    • Miscellaneous, disparate, diverse, multicoloured, many-coloured, मिश्रित, रंग बिरंगा
    • A motley collection of old clothes.
  3. Put/Throw a spanner in the works [idm]
    • To do something that prevents a plan or activity from succeeding, समस्या पैदा करना
    • China has thrown a spanner in the works for India.
  4. Set to [phrv]
    • Begin doing something vigorously, जोश से लड़ाई या विवाद आरंभ करना,  हाथापाई करने लगना
    • Indian-American feminist set to make electoral history.
  5. Parable [n]
    • A simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, नीतिकथा
    • The parable of Kisa Gotami and the mustard seeds.
  6. Inevitably [adv]
    • Certain to happen, necessarily, अनिवार्य रूप से
    • she realised that death came inevitably to every home.
  7. Oncology [n]
    • The study of cancer, the study and treatment of tumours, अर्बुदविज्ञान
    • She was formerly the head of Esophageal oncology.
  8. Lurch [v,n]
    • Stagger, stumble, sway, an abrupt uncontrolled movement, leave in trouble, let down, झटका
    • I felt my stomach lurch when I saw this image.
  9. Fistfuls [n]
    • The amount that can be held in the hand, मुठ्ठी भर
    • She threw a fistful of dirt on him during their fight.
  10. Exemption [n]
    • Exclusion, freedom, release, मुक्ति, छुटकारा, छूट
    • Several Western countries also were opposed to the exemption.

Daily English Vocabulary 12-May-2016

Daily English Vocabulary for SSC, IBPS & Others

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12-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Disparage [v]
    • Belittle, denigrate, undervalue, underestimate, नीचा दिखाना, अपमानित करना, बुराई करना
    • He disparaged his students efforts.
  2. Irk [v]
    • Irritate, annoy, vex, gall, सताना, गुस्सा दिलाना
    • It irks me to see money being wasted.
  3. Malign [adj,v]
    • Harmful, evil, bad, defame, slander, libel, बदनाम करना, नुक़सानदेह, हानिकर
    • She is all set to malign Naresh.
  4. Make a splash [idm]
    • Do something that attract attention, तहलका मचाना, बहुत अधिक ध्यान आकर्षित करना
  5. Eating someone [idm]
    • Bothering, परेशान करना
  6. Bend over backwards [idm]
    • Tried very hard, यथासम्भव कोशिश करना
    • They have bent over backwards to ensure a fair trial for the defendants.
  7. All thumbs [idm]
    • Clumsy or awkward, बेढंगा
  8. Hooch [n]
    • An alcoholic liquor especially when it is cheap or made illegally, अवैध शराब
  9. Groan [n,v]
    • Moan, murmur, whine, make a deep sound of pain, कराहना
    • The patient is groaning with pain.
  10. Immolate [v]
    • Sacrifice, offer up, offer as a sacrifice, कुर्बानी देना, बलि देना
    • Mostly kings would immolate vast numbers of animals.
  11. Pitfall [n]
    • Hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty, छिपी हुई दिक्कत, चोर गड्ढा
    • These books have many pitfalls for their readers.\
  12. Topiary [n]
    • Shrubs or trees clipped into ornamental shapes, पौधो आदि को काटने-छॉट्ने की कला सम्बन्धि
    • She is good in the art of topiary.

Daily English Vocabulary 11-May-2016

English Vocabulary for SSC, IBPS & Others

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11-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Contemplate [v]
    • Look at, view, regard, think about, thought, सोच-विचार करना, ध्यान से देखना 
    • She contemplated her body in the mirror.
  2. Carp [n,v]
    • Freshwater fish, complain, cavil, grumble, moan, find fault, तालाब की बड़ी मछली, दोष ढूंढना, नुकताचीनी करना
    • He doesn't want to carp about the way you did it.
  3. Dastard [n]
    • Coward, despicable, कायर, डरपोक, लुच्चा
    • Bippu is a dastard boy.
  4. Polemical [adj]
    •  Involving dispute, controversy, विवाद संबंधी, विवादात्मक
    • a polemical editorial.
  5. Tyro [n]
    • Beginner, novice, नौसिखिया
    • She is a tyro. It is her maiden speech.
  6. Pack one's bags [idm]
    • Leave a place in anger or after a disagreement.
    • She might hand in her resignation, pack her bags, and go to Delhi.
  7. Voracious [adj]
    • Insatiable, unquenchable, unappeasable, भुक्खड़, पेटू, लालची, अत्युत्सुक
    • He became voracious eater while watching cricket match.
  8. Hypocritical [adj]
    • Sanctimonious, pious, deceitful, deceptive, dishonest, पाखंडी, ढोंगी, कपटी
    • It would be hypocritical.
  9. Relinquish [v]
    • Renounce, give up, part with, give away, त्यागना, छोड़ना, अलग करना
    • She relinquished his managerial role to become chief executive.
  10. Oculist [n]
    • A doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the eye, नेत्ररोग विशेषज्ञ
    • Dr. Sharma is an oculist.

Daily English Vocabulary 10-May-2016

English Vocabulary for SSC, IBPS & Others

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10-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Supercilious [adj]
    • Arrogant, haughty, conceited, disdainful, घमंडी, घृणापूर्ण, अवमानी
    • Rahul is such a supercilious person that even her family members avoid her.
  2. Blitz [n,v]
    • Sudden military attack, bombardment, effort, exertion, बम बरसाना, आक्रमण होना
    • A heavy artillery blitz.
  3. Obstreperous [adj]
    • Difficult to control, Boisterous, प्रचंड, कोलाहलमय, कोलाहल मचाने वाला
    • Her children are obstreperous.
  4. Efficacious [adj]
    • Effective, प्रभावोत्पादक, प्रभावशाली, प्रभावी
    • The scientist got the efficacious result of getting the mutants.
  5. Elucidate [v]
    • Explain, make clear, explicate, स्पष्ट करना, समझाना
  6. Give up the ghost [idm]
    • To die, stop working (machine), बंद पड़ना, मरना
    • The old woman gave up the ghost.
  7. Scoff [v]
    • Mock, deride, ridicule, sneer at, eat quickly, मजाक उड़ाया, उपहास
    • She scoffed at the idea of revolution.
  8. Instigate [v]
    • Start, begin, initiate, launch, incite, encourage, भड़काना, उत्तेजित करना, बहकाना
    • Ramu instigated mohan against seema.
  9. Fatalist [n]
    • One who believes that everything is predestined, भाग्यवादी
    • A fatalist person.
  10. Traitor [n]
    • Betrayer, back-stabber, double-crosser, देशद्रोही, राज-द्रोही, ग़द्दार
    • She was a traitor to his own class.
  11. Hypocrite [n]
    • Pretender, deceiver, पाखंडी, पाखण्डी
  12. Indispensable [adj]
    • Essential, crucial, necessary, key, अपरिहार्य, परम आवश्यक
    • A good teacher is indispensable for learning a language.

Daily English Vocabulary 3-May-2016

Increase English Vocabulary for SSC, IBPS & Others

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3-May-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Hullabaloo [n]
    • Clamour, fuss, commotion, uproar, कोलाहल, हल्लागुल्ला
    • There was a terrific hullabaloo over the by-election.
  2. Demonstrate [v]
    • Reveal, bespeak, indicate, show, protest, rally, प्रमाणित करना, दिखाना, जलूस में हिस्सा लेना
    • Let me demonstrate to you the truth of what he is saying.
  3. Gallant [n,v,adj]
    • Brave, courageous, chivalrous, gentlemanly, attentive to women, बहादुर, श्रेष्ठ, भड़कीला, शानदार, छबीला
    • Raju is a gallant man.
  4. Vim [n]
    • Energy, enthusiasm, जोश, शक्ति, ताक़त
    • He is full of vim.
  5. Languor [n]
    • Lassitude, lethargy, calm, stillness, शिथिलता, थकान, हार, सुस्ती
    • His languorous walking style shows that he is disturbed.
  6. Timid [adj]
    • Afraid, frightened, scared, डरपोक, कायर
    • Kamal is a timid boy.
  7. Vacuous [adj]
    • Blank, vacant, expressionless, empty, हलका, शून्य, ख़ाली, विचारहीन
    • she made a vacuous laugh.
  8. Ennui [n]
    • Boredom, tedium, listlessness, lethargy, weariness, ग्लानि, थकान, ऊब
    • She succumbed to ennui and despair.
  9. Corroborate [v]
    • Confirm, verify, endorse, ratify, पुष्ट करना, समर्थन करना
    • We could not corroborate the information.
  10. Condemn [v]
    • Censure, criticize, castigate, denounce, blame, sentence, declare unfit, भर्त्सना, अपराधी ठहराना, निंदा करना
    • We condemn the racism in South Africa.