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Daily English Vocabulary 11-June-2016

English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

11-June-2016 English Vocabulary

1. Valiant [adj]
  • Brave, fearless, courageous, intrepid, बहादुर
  • He is a valiant army officer.
2. Recuperate [v]
  • Get better, recover, convalesce, स्वस्थ हो जाना, पुनः प्राप्त करना
  • Doctors advised her to go to the countryside to recuperate.
3. Beseech [v]
  • Implore, beg, entreat, ask someone urgently, प्रार्थना करना, निवेदन करना
  • They beseeched him to stay.
4. In cold blood [idiom]
  • Without feeling or mercy,  ruthlessly, निर्दयतापूर्वक
  • The government forces killed them in cold blood.
5. Reciprocate [v]
  • Do the same (in return), respond in kind, return, प्रतिफल चुकाना, अदल-बदल करना
  • The favour was reciprocated.
6. Seer [n]
  • Prophet, prophetess, sibyl, prophet, prophetess, sibyl, ऋषि, पैगंबर
  • The seer who predicted the death of Princess Diana is ill now days.
7. Deflect [v]
  • Change direction, turn aside/away, divert, सीधे रास्ते से फिर जाना, मुड़ना
  • The road deflected near its end.
8. Intend [v]
  • Plan, mean, intention, इरादा रखना
  • I intend to complete this work by evening.
9. Elude [v]
  • Evade, avoid, get away from, dodge, बच निकालना, टाल-मटोल करना
  • The thief eluded the police.
10. Contemplation [n]
  • Viewing, examination, thought, meditation, चिंतन, विचार
  • She sat there deep in contemplation.


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