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Daily English Vocabulary 4-June-2016

English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

4-June-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Frugality [n]
    • Economical, providence, thrift, parsimony, मितव्ययिता, किफायत
    • The frugality helped them to lead a simple life.
  2. Efface [v]
    • Destroy, obliterate, annihilate, abolish, मिटाना, नष्ट करना
    • Time will efface the bad memories.
  3. Rescind [v]
    • Annual, abrogate, revoke, repeal, रद्द कर देना, रोकना
    • I am going to rescind an agreement between us.
  4. Quell [v]
    • Subdue, reduce, supress, extinguish, शांत करना, दबाना
    • Extra police were called to quell the disturbance.
  5. Immaculate [adj]
    • Unsullied, spotless, untarnished, untainted, विशुद्ध, शुद्ध
    • Great men's life are immaculate.
  6. Bleak [adj]
    • Dismal, gloomy, chilly, dreary, निराशाजनक, सूना, साफदिल
    • a bleak and barren moor.
  7. Dispose of [phrv]
    • Sell off, बेचना, निपटाना, 
    • She has decided to dispose of her old house.
  8. Dispose to [phrv]
    • Willing, inclined favourably, इच्छुक
    • My friend is dispose to discussing the problems thoroughly.
  9. Assume airs [idiom]
    • To pretend superiority, दिखाबा करना
    • The rich are in the habit of assuming airs in the presence of their poor relation.
  10. Blaze the trail [idiom]
    • To start a movement, आन्दोलन प्रारंभ करना
    • Surinder Nath Bannerjee blazed the trail of Indian National Movement. 


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