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Daily English Vocabulary 1-June-2016

English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

1-June-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Ebullience [n]
    • Exuberance, buoyancy, cheerfulness, joy, exuberance, buoyancy, cheerfulness, joy, उत्तेजना, जोश
    • The ebullience of happy children.
  2. Grotesque [adj,n]
    • Malformed, deformed, outrageous, monstrous, विचित्र, भ्रष्ट, असंगत
    • A figure wearing a grotesque mask.
  3. Beatific [adj]
    • Rapturous, joyful, ecstatic, blessed, blissful, आनन्दप्रद, सुखी, मंगलदायक
    • A beatific smile.
  4. Cumbersome [adj]
    • Unmanageable, awkward, clumsy, complicated, बोझिल, दुष्कर, भारी
    • It is a cumbersome parcel to carry.
  5. Vociferous [adj]
    • Vehement, outspoken, candid, शोरगुलपूर्ण, कोलाहलकारी
    • The meeting was vociferous.
  6. Obnoxious [adj]
    • Extremely unpleasant, disgusting, अप्रिय, घृणित
    • There was an obnoxious smell.
  7. Covenant [n,v]
    • Contract, compact, treaty, agree, प्रतिज्ञापत्र, अनुबंध करना
    • She did not keep her covenant to give charity to the orphanage.
  8. Deference [n]
    • Respect, respectfulness, regard, सम्मान, आदर, अनुरोध
    • His deference to her wishes was very flattering.
  9. Abrogate [v]
    • Repudiate, revoke, repeal, रद्द करना, निरस्त करना
    • A proposal to abrogate temporarily the right to strike.
  10. Intrepid [adj]
    • Fearless, unafraid, undaunted, dauntless, निडर, साहसी, बहादुर
    • Darwin was an intrepid explorer.
  11. Under a cloud [idiom]
    • Under suspicion, discredited, संदेह
    • For his alleged involvement in espionage, he is under a cloud these days.
  12. Face the music [idiom]
    • Get reprimanded, डांट मिलना
    • Because of misbehavior, he is bound to face the music


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