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Daily English Vocabulary 15-June-2016

English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

15-June-2016 English Vocabulary

1. Quiver [n,v]
  • Tremble, shake, shiver, काँपना
  • The tree's branches stopped quivering.
2. Coax [v]
  • Persuade, wheedle, cajole, मनाना, फुसलाना
  • She coaxed her mother to buy her a new dress.
3. Dissuade [v]
  • Discourage, deter, prevent, turn aside, रोकना, मना करना
  • She said nothing to dissuade him.
4. Tenacity [n]
  • Persistence, pertinacity, determination, perseverance, दृढ़ता, अटलता
  • The sheer tenacity of the limpet.
5. Petty [adj]
  • Trivial, trifling, minor, तुच्छ, अल्प
  • He did petty observance of the regulations.
6. Baffle [v,n]
  • Confound, elude, frustrate, perplex, मात देना, असमंजस में डालना, रुकावट
  • Sita was baffled when she saw a twin of Ram.
7. Lascivious [adj]
  • Lecherous, lewd, lustful, licentious, कामुक, वासनामूलक, ठरकी
  • He gave her a lascivious wink.
8. Treacherous [adj]
  • Traitorous, disloyal, perfidious, faithless, विश्वासघाती
  • He is a treacherous person.
9. Timorous [adj]
  • Easily frightened, lacking courage, fearful, डरपोक, कायर
  • She is a timorous girl.
10. Bold [adj]
  • Daring, intrepid, courageous, brazen, निर्भीक, दबंग, साहसी
  • A bold attempt to solve the crisis.


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