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Daily English Vocabulary 3-July-2016

Daily English Vocabulary For SSC, IBPS & Other exam

3-July-2016 English Vocabulary

1. Parley [n,v]
  • Negotiation, meeting, conference, summit, talk, बातचीत, संवाद, संधि वार्ता करना
  • The king sent a messenger to the enemy camp to parley.
2. True as steel [idiom]
  • Very loyal and dependable, वफ़ादार
  • Pedro was a staunch friend, true as steel.
3. Kick the bucket [idiom]
  • To die, मर जाना
  • I am waiting for the old man to kick the bucket so that I can get his money.
4. Temperament [n]
  • Disposition, nature, character, personality, स्वभाव, मिज़ाज
  • I have profound respect for his political temperament.
5. Humbug [n,v]
  • Hypocrisy, deceive, trick, delude, पाखण्ड, छल, धोखेबाज
  • You see what a humbug I am.
6. Crass [adj]
  • Stupid, insensitive, blundering, dense, thick, मूढ़/मूर्ख, मोटा
  • Please don't waste others time by asking crass questions.
7. Have an eye to the main chance [idiom]
  • Main object is to make money, personal gain, व्यक्तिगत लाभ देखना
  • In everything that he does he has an eye to the main chance.
8. Matey [adj,n]
  • Cheerful & friendly in atmosphere & character, मिलनसार, दोस्ताना
  • A matey grin.
9. Vitality [n]
  • Liveliness, life, energy, animation, spirit, जीवनक्षमता, उत्साह
  • Changes that will give renewed vitality to our democracy.
10. Ataxia [n]
  • The loss of full control of bodily movements, गतिभंग


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