Daily English Vocabulary 29-April-2016

Improve English Vocabulary for SSC, IBPS & Others

28-April-2016 English Vocabulary
  1. Yield [v,n] 
    • Produce, bear, surrender, supply, relinquish, profit, gain, return, पैदावार, उपज, टुटना, लाभ, हार मानना
    • The Southern powers now yielded when they should have resisted.
  2. Vigilant [adj]
    • Watchful, observant, sharp-eyed, alert, careful, सतर्क, सावधान
    • Shyam is vigilant while working.
  3. Venom [n]
    • Poison, toxin, vitriol, spite, hatred, dislike, जहर, विष
    • Her voice was full of venom.
  4. Sneer [n,v]
    • Mocking, smirk, उपहास, व्यंग्यात्मक मुस्कान, तिरस्कार
    • She had sneered at their bad taste.
  5. Rustic [adj,n]
    • Rural, unsophisticated, country, uncultured, simple, plain, देहाती, साधारण, गँवार, ग्रामीण
    • Her beauty lies in her rustic simplicity.
  6. Provoke [v]
    • Arouse, produce, evoke, inspire, excite, inflame, annoy, make angry, भड़काना, उत्तेजित देना, चिढ़ाना
    • His behavior provoked a quarrel between the couple.
  7. Hopping mad [phrv]
    • Extremely angry, अति क्रोधित
  8. Remedial [adj]
    • Remedy, cure, उपचारात्मक, सुधारात्मक
    • The professor has agreed to take remedial classes for the weaker students.
  9. Worn out [n, adj]
    • Exhausted, fatigued, tired, worn, obsolete, antiquated, old, टुटा फुटा, घिसा-पिटा
    • He is utterly worn out at the end of day.
  10. Anorexia [n]
    • Lack or loss of appetite for food, भोजन के लिए अरुचि, अरुचि
    • Many figure conscious young girls suffer from anorexia.

Daily English Vocabulary 28-April-2016

English Vocabulary for SSC CGL, IBPS & Others

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28-April-2016 English Vocabulary

  1. Indigenous [adj]
    • Native, aboriginal, स्वदेशी, देशज, देशी
    • It has several recommendations for improving indigenous procurement.
  2. Offset [n,v]
    • Balances, a small deviation in voltage, counterbalance, पूरा करना, प्रतिसंतुलन, बराबर कर देना
    • We had to put up prices to offset the increased cost of material.
  3. Liabilities [n]
    • Accountability, responsibility, उत्तरदायित्व, ऋण
    • The policy has also liberalised the threshold for offset liabilities for foreign vendors.
  4. Leverage [v]
    • Use borrowed capital for investment and expecting profit, लाभ
    • One of its greatest leveraging point is the annual spend on procurement. 
  5. Take to [phr] 
    • Make a habit of, turn to, begin, like, सहारा लेना, उतर आना, आदत पड़ना, पसंद करना, 
    • He took to drink.
  6. Bedrock [n]
    • Base, basis, foundation, root, principle, मूल
    • Mutual trust is the bedrock of a relationship.
  7. Set in [phr]
    • Begin, start, arrive, come, develop, आरंभ होना, शुरू होना, पहुंचना
    • The pilot was winched to safety before bad weather set in.
  8. Repercussion [n]
    • Consequence, result, effect, footprint, प्रतिक्रिया, अप्रत्यक्ष परिणाम, प्रतिघात, प्रतिध्वनि
    • Her resignation will have serious repercussion on the staff.
  9. Lobby [v]
    • Persuade, influence, sway, अपने पक्ष में जनमत तैयार करना, प्रतीक्षा कक्ष, प्रचार करना
    • In spite of intense lobbying the government failed to secure a consensus on the bill.
  10. Absurdity [n]
    • Ridiculousness, idiocy, stupidity, foolishness, अनर्थकता, असंगति, मूर्खता
    • The show was full of absurdity.

Daily English Vocabulary 27-April-2016

English Vocabulary for SSC, IBPS & Others

27 April 2016 Daily English vocabulary 

  1. Conduit [n]
    • Channel, a tube, नाली, वाहक नाली, वाहक
    • Ex- I was accused of being a conduit in the VVIP chopper deal.
  2. Gut [n,v]
    • Stomach, heartfelt, disembowel, courage, destroy, साहस, तहस नहस कर देना
    • Ex- Museum gutted.
  3. Shatter [v, adj]
    • Break, smash, burst, destroy, upset greatly, चूर चूर कर देना, नष्ट करना
    • Ex- Three bombs shattered the calm in Malegaon.
  4. Acquit [v]
    • Free from a criminal charge, exonerate, discharge from duty, दोष मुक्त करना, रिहाई
    •  All nine accused have been acquitted by a special MCOCA court.
  5. Grapple [v,n]
    • Struggle, seize hold, tackle, confront, पकड़ना, हाथापाई करना, कुश्ती
    • Ex- How to recompense a person for five years of wrongful confinement in jail is a question the judicial system must grapple with.
  6. Come to grips with [idm]
    • To make an effort to understand and deal with a problem, Confront squarely
    • At another level, events over the intervening decade string together a narrative that this country has still not come to grips with.
  7. On the wrong track [idm]
    • A course that leads to failure, गलत रास्ते पर
    • EX- It eventually became clear that the investigating agencies were on the wrong track in pursuing the accused for these incidents.
  8. Crack down on somebody/something [idm]
    • Limits on someone, strong action to stop something bad, कड़ी कर्रवाई
    • This was a time when Ramesh had also managed to crack down on his son.
  9. Myopic [adj]
    • Short-sighted, unimaginative, uncreative, a short view of the problem, अदूरदर्शी
    • The government still has a myopic attitude to public spending.
  10. Sophisticated [adj,v]
    • worldly, experienced, frequented, advanced, highly developed, revolutionary, subtle, विवेकी, गूढ़, जटिल, कृत्रिम
    • Groups carrying out terrorist attacks are becoming ever more sophisticated in their operations and more subtle in furthering a divisive agenda.

Daily English Vocabulary 26-April-2016

Daily English Vocabulary For SSC Cgl, CDS, IBPS & Other

Vocabulary Building Site

26-April-2016 English Vocabulary -

1.  Erosion [n]- gradual destruction, wearing away, abrasion - कटाव, अपरदन 
Example- The general election saw a serious erosion in the support for congress
2.Rhetoric [n]- oratory, eloquence, power of speech - शब्दाडम्बर, व्याख्यान विद्या, आलंकारिक, भाषण कला
Example- People in Rajasthan believe in performance over rhetoric.
3.Setback [n]- problem, difficulty- बाधा, रोक, असफलता
Example- We also learned from our setback in the 2014 general election.
4.Traverse [v]- travel over, pass over, cross, lie across, move sideways, deny an allegation - फैला होना, पार करना, तिरछे चलना, खंडन करना, तय करना
Example- JIT traversed nearly 100 km in the interiors of Pathankot.
5.Break open [v]- open with force, burst, split - तोड़कर खोलना
Example- The perimeter wall was broke open at one location to erect a small gate.
6.Break open something [idm]- suddenly begin to win a competition - अचानक प्रतियोगिता जीतना
Example- Some goals helped Miami break open a close game.
7.Cavalcade [n]- procession, parade, motorcade - जूलूस, शोभायात्रा, सवारों की श्रेणी
Example- We saw cavalcade of cars on the street yesterday.
8.Gun down [v,n] - strike down, shoot down - बन्दूक से घायल होना
Example- Last of the two terrorists was gunned down.
9.Put up [phrv,adj]- stay temporarily, construct, build, auction, provide - बढ़ाना, लहराना, उम्मीदवार होना, सहन करना, प्रस्तुत करना, व्यवस्था करना, ऊंचा करना, ठहरने का इंतजाम करना
Example- Ramu put up at a hotel in the city.
10.Musing [n,adj]- meditation, thinking - चिन्तन, सोच
 Example- she was musing on the problems.

Difference Between Draught and Drought

Basic Difference Between Drought & Draught

Draught and Drought are Homonyms which means similar in sound and pronunciation. Today, we are going to tell you difference between Draught and Drought in English and in Hindi. 

draught vs drought

Draught & Drought

Draught - [Noun, Adjective]

Cool air, current of air, single act of drinking, the depth of water       needed to float a ship, denoting beer, denoting an animal used for pulling heavy loads [a draught horse]
खुराक़, घूँट, झोंका, प्रारूप तैयार करना, डिब्बाबंद
   Examples - 
  1. He emptied her cup of milk in one long draught.
  2. Open all the windows and let the cool draught come in.
  3. A draught horse
Drought - [Noun]

Low rainfall, shortage of water, सूखा, अकाल, अनावृष्टि
  1. What is the cause of Asia's recent droughts ?
  2. Farmers are most affected by the drought.

Daily English Vocabulary Words 24-April-2016

English Vocabulary Words For SSC, IBPS & Other Exam

English vocab for ssc cgl, English Vocabulary for ssc cgl, Improve english

Improve Vocabulary Daily

24 April 2016 English Vocabulary words
  1. Altercation [n] - Argument, Quarrel, Fight - झगड़ा, झड़प, कहा-सुनी
  2. Consolidate [v] - Strengthen, Make stronger, Combine - मजबूत बनाना, संघटित करना
  3. Presage [v,n] - Sign, Indication, Foretell - सगुन, पूर्वसूचना, पूर्वसंकेत
  4. Imminent [adj]- About to happen -घटित होने वाला, निकटस्थ
  5. Dour [adj]- Stern, Gloomy, Sour - कठोर, कड़ा, रूखा सूखा
  6. Exhortation [n]- Urging, Encouragement - उपदेश, प्रोत्साहन, संबोधन
  7. Take down [ph.v] - Dismantle, Bring to lower position - उतारना, लिखना
  8.  Ribbing [n,v]- Pattern, Teasing, Mark with - छेड़खानी
  9. Visage [n] - Face, Facial expression - चेहरा, मुख मुद्रा, व्यक्तित्व
  10. Caricature [n,v]- Cartoon, Lampoon - उपहासचित्र, हास्य चित्र, व्यंग्यचित्र
  11. Rustle up [idm,adv]- To prepare, Gather - तैयार करना
  12. Setback [n]- Problem, Difficulty - बाधा, रोक, घटाव, गिरना, पीछे हटाना

English Vocabulary Words For Exam 23-April-2016

English Vocabulary Words For SSC, IBPS & Other Exam

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Increase vocabulary daily by vocabulary words

23 April 2016 English vocabulary words- 
  1. Veracity - Truth, Accuracy - सच्चाई, सत्यवादिता
  2. Wear Off  - Fade, Decrease - कम हो जाना, गायब होना 

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